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Saturday 24 September 2011

Teams for New Season

You've probably already seen the announcement by email from Malcolm Mourant, but in case not, here are the teams for 2011 - 12.

London Leagues

Everyone can play for either of the two teams. The second team has a 145 grading limit and is captained by Richard Putman. The first team, which we run jointly with Charlton, is run by Andy Heard and John Lewin.  Speak to any of these gentlemen for fixtures, selection etc.  Games are played in Central London, usually at 7pm.

Kent League

The first team, playing in the Open section, comprises Ian Snape (Cap.), Michael Prizant, Nick Briggs, John Duggan, Andrew Ponting and Richard Selway.

The 2nd Team, playing in the Lewis Cup, is run by John Duggan, and his normal team includes Ian Snape, Alan Sands, Duncan Bell, John Lewin, and Raunak Rao. On the bench are John Alderson and Doug Vleeshhouwer.

Malcolm Mourant is running the En Passant team and has in his squad Gautham Reddiar, Stephen Cousins, Jon Griffiths, and Fred Wellings.

For the Harvey Cup, Chris Bernard's starting team are Jon Griffiths, Chris Bernard, Fred Wellings, Paul Andrews, Richard Putman, and Justin Brown.  Alexander Selway is the backup.

Mike Spencer has control of the Tom Fuller and Intro teams and will choose from Howard Walden, James Kinsella and Alan Fraser in the former; and Geoff Kelsey, Mike Smee and Stephen Roberts.  Jason Kevan can also expect some games for this team as well, I'm sure.

Croydon League

  • Nick Briggs captains the first team and has available John Duggan, Ian Snape, Richard Selway and Duncan Bell.
  • John Lewin is running the second team, who are Raunak Rao, John Alderson, Malcolm Mourant, and Stephen Cousins.
  • Howard Walden has the third team, and his selection is everyone not mentioned above!
Hope there's no mistakes there, and let's bring home some trophies!

Andy Heard