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Saturday, 12 June 2010

Victory at Kent Finals Day

Mike Spencer points out that we actually won the Intro cup in the Kent finals this year, beating Lewisham on the day..

Well done, guys.

Out of curiosity I checked the details here, and it seems we won the En Passant Cup as well!

Congratulations to Malcolm and the team.

Update (Sunday): As a tie-breaker, board-count to Beckenham chess club is like penalties to the England footy team. They happen too often and we always lose (so it seems). Malcolm has just pointed out to me:

The EP report is in fact a mistake. We lost the final on board count [and we were black on odds]. Strange though that this error should have happened. I reported it but heard nothing in response

Beckenham v Bromley Match

Bromley won the annual Beckenham v Bromley match by 6 - 4. Paul Andrews says a "massive thank you to Howard for organising the whole thing despite not being able to attend himself". Details below....

Andrew Ponting 1640 - 1 Ian Snape 198
Alan Sands 1530 - 1John Lewin 162
Peter Thomas 1451 - 0 Paul Andrews
Chris Bernard 124 ½ - ½Malcolm Mourant
Fred Wellings 124 1 - 0Geoff Kelsey 140
Richard Putman 122 0 - 1Gautham Reddiar
Duncan Bell 119½ - ½Raunak Rao 126
Ronald Huggins 115 0 - 1Justin Brown 116
Simon Leung U 0 - 1Alan Fraser
Mike Spencer 95 1 - 0Derek Simmons 100